► U.S. Judge Leonard Grasz of St. Louis, MO; incompetent loser Print
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U.S. Judge Leonard Grasz of St. Louis, MO; incompetent loser


Unfortunately, the state of Texas provided Stuart Duncan with a law license in 1989 after he graduated from the University of Nebraska School of Law.


Former President Donald “Trumporleone” Trump was ordered by right-wing wacko Leonard Leo to nominate Lenny for a seat on the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals even though he had no prior judicial experience of any kind. Stu wasn’t nominated because he was the most qualified attorney in the greater St. Louis area. He got it because he had proven to be a reliable lackey for right wing political hacks like Leo and those of his ilk.


In a rare rebuke by the American Bar Association, Lenny received a unanimous “not qualified” vote regarding his nomination by Leonard Leo in conjunction with the right-wing Federalist Society.


If it wasn’t for his lifetime appointment to the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis, and given his abject disqualification to be sitting in judgment of anyone, Lenny would likely be relegated to working as a low paid government paid criminal defense attorney.


And lastly, if no self-respecting law firm would have ever considered employing him and he wouldn’t have received government jobs, Lenny would have been relegated to appling for a job as a janitor at the Walmart Supercenter Store at 1606 South 72nd Street in Omaha, Nebraska.