► Judge Charles Crandall of San Louis Obispo, CA; incompetent boob Print
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Judge Charles Crandall of San Louis Obispo, CA; incompetent boob


The state of California presented Charles S. Crandall with a law license in 1976 after he graduated from the University of Virginia School of Law.


FYI: Former Gray Davis was duped into appointing Charlie Eric as a Court Judge as a San Louis Obispo County Superior Court Judge 2003. Charlie was not nominated because he was the most qualified attorney in the greater San Louis Obispo area. He received it because he had proven to be reliable lackey for the local political hacks.


In one matter, Charlie was assigned to preside over a case involving a child custody matter. In his infinite ignorance, Charlie ruled against a mother’s reunification efforts with her 9-year-old son.


Subsequently, the mother filed an appeal of Charlie’s asinine ruling to the local Court of Appeal. In reversing Charlie’s ruling, the Court stated as follows.

  • “Whether unsupervised visitation and reunification is possible with another six months of services is unknown.”
  • “What we do know is that a trial court may not decline to enforce its own visitation order in deference to the wishes of the child….Nor can a court terminate dependency jurisdiction knowing that the child refused to participate in visitation.”
  • “The statutory right to reunification services requires supervised visits and open lines of communication between the parent and child with appropriate time, place and manner restrictions to protect the well-being of the child.”

Of course, Charlie the Incompetent Moron doesn’t much give a damn how many times his asinine rulings are overturned by the Court of Appeal because he knows that no California judge has ever been removed from office for being a Moron. Additionally, Charlie has absolutely no concern for how much taxpayer money is wasted as a direct result of her gross incompetence.


As we speak (ca. December 2020), Charlie continues to sit as an San Louis Obispo County Superior Court judge in San Louis Obispo, California.