► Justice Terrence O’Donnell; Ohio’s premier judicial prostitute Print
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Justice Terrence O’Donnell; Ohio’s premier judicial prostitute


As you’ll see below, there’s no doubt that Ohio Supreme Court Justice Terrence O’Donnell prostituted his services to those who could afford his services.

On October 1, 2006, Adam Liptak and Janet Roberts, reporters for the New York Times, wrote a story titled: “Campaign cash mirrors high court’s rulings.” The story can be found at http://tinyurl.com/le896j.
It is well known that Justice Terrence O’Donnell has acted as a compliant prostitute (my apologies to prostitutes) on behalf of his so-called campaign contributors for many, many years. Justice Terrence O’Donnell is known to be the favorite judicial prostitute of insurance companies, banks, polluters, car dealers and other assorted business interests in Ohio.
These folks didn’t contribute hundreds-of-thousands of dollars to Justice Terrence O’Donnell because they were altruistic do-gooders. These are successful businessmen that were seeking lucrative returns on their investments. And those investments were made to purchase favorable rulings from Justice Terrence O’Donnell.
The record of Justice Terrence O’Donnell’s favorable rulings clearly proves that the investments these wily businessmen made were successful beyond their wildest dreams. Put simply, Justice Terrence O’Donnell turned out to be the whore that kept on giving so to speak. The Ever ready rabbit can’t hold a light when compared with Terrence the Whore.
The New York Times reported that Justice Terrence O’Donnell voted in favor of his contributors ninety-one (91%) of the time. Unreliable sources indicate that Justice Terrence O’Donnell is hell-bent on improving his league-leading batting average in the future. It is rumored that in order to assure his election to the Judicial Prostitutes Hall of Fame headquartered just outside of Reno, Nevada at the old Mustang Ranch that Justice Terrence O’Donnell is seeking to increase his league-leading average to at least 105%.
It appears that Justice Terrence O’Donnell comforts himself by listening to that ol’ tune by Roger Miller, “King of the Road,” which starts off: “Justice for sale or rent, rulings to let…fifty cents.”
If there’s a bigger judicial whore sitting on the Ohio Supreme Court than Justice Terrence O’Donnell it could only be his mentor Chief Justice Thomas Moyer. In addition to being a compliant whore for Chief Justice Thomas Moyer, Justice Terrence O'Donnell is also a well-known and celebrated bootlicker, apple-polisher, lackey, gopher, handmaiden and all-purpose gopher for Chief Justice Thomas Moyer.
Justice Terrence O'Donnell fully recognizes and appreciates due to his abject failure as an attorney that had it not been for Chief Justice Thomas Moyer intervening on his behalf, Justice Terrence O'Donnell would likely be working as a greeter at the local Wal-Mart in the Rocky River area of Cleveland.