► Bankruptcy Judge Marilyn Shea-Stonum of Akron; moron, crooked lawyer enabler Print

Bankruptcy Judge Marilyn Shea-Stonum, moron, crooked lawyer enabler


Judge Marilyn Shea-Stonum has dedicated the lion’s share of her so-called legal career porking out at the public trough.
Luckily for her, her willingness to act as a dedicated lackey for the local political hacks landed her an appointment as a Bankruptcy judge.
In but one instance of Judge Shea-Stonum exhibiting her penchant for acting as an enabler for crooked lawyers, she personally approved of the following misconduct by an attorney.
  1. Accepted from him fraudulent claims for attorney fees that were proven to her to be fabricated
  2. Found it reasonable that the attorney spent 10 hours for fees of $1,500 to drive 133 miles from Perrysburg, Ohio to Akron
  3. Found it believable that he spent 4.5 hours meeting with the bankruptcy trustee even though his timesheets proved it lasted only 20 minutes
  4. When he claimed 1.5 hours for $225 to review instructions for operating a camera, she found that acceptable
  5. Found nothing wrong with him billing 5 hours for $750 for time spent in his Perrysburg office when in fact his travel records prove he was in San Francisco 
There’s many, many more instances of her Dishonor kneeling at the Attorney Misfit alter in her perverted and moronic conduct as a die-in-the-wool enabler for crooked attorneys.
What an unmitigated loser!