► Federal Appeals Judge Danny Boggs; arrogant, ethically impotent Print

Federal Appeals Judge Danny Boggs; arrogant, ethically impotent

Judge Danny Boggs of Kentucky was unfortunately appointed to the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals located in Cincinnati by President Reagan in 1986.
Judge Boggs has dedicated the lion’s share of his adult life porking out at the public trough after graduating from law school in 1968. According to Boggs/ bio, he spent but one year in private practice (1980), which would lead one to believe that no self-respecting law firm in Kentucky and/or the Cincinnati are was impressed with his legal prowess.
In 2005, Committee on Codes of Conduct of the Judicial Conference specifically (bluntly) advised federal district judge Andre M. Davis of Maryland, that his membership on the board of Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment (FREE) violated rules barring the appearance of impartiality and abuse of the prestige of a judge’s office. (Washington Post – 12/24/10)
District Court Judge Gordon Quist of Michigan, who then chaired the panel, said in a private letter that the foundation [FREE] – which has called itself “a bunch of libertarian economists” – advocated “particular approaches to environmental policy” and other issues. As a result, “the Committee concludes that your leadership affiliation with FREE would be seen as personal support for the policy positions of FREE.” (Washington Post – 12/24/10)
Despite the unambiguous findings of Judge Quist and the Judicial Conference, Judge Danny Boggs found it convenient to become a board member of FREE. Put simply, Judge Boggs basically told the ethics panel to “go to hell.”
Obviously, Danny Boy has absolutely no fear of being removed from the bench no matter how egregious his conduct is. This is but another fine example of federal judges thumbing their collective noses at acting ethically. What a loser Ol’ Danny Boy is!!!