► Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA): Today’s “Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA): Today’s “Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Devin. In the past, he has been the recipient of seven (7) Awards in various categories and the subject of two (2) laments. Those awards and laments are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


Devin is the Number One Trump-Ass-Kisser and Sycophant in the United States Congress since The Great Leader assumed the throne. Remaining Number One poses some obvious risks to Devin since he must compete daily with the likes of Representatives Gymmy Jordan, Mark Meadows, Matt Goetz, and Louie Gohmert.


Devin has spent so much time on his knees genuflecting to The Great Leader that it is likely that he’ll require dual knee-replacement surgery when he is voted out of office. I would suggest that he seek the surgery from Dr. Jerome R. Dunklin of Fresno who is acclaimed to be a very fine orthopedic surgeon.


After lathering up his lips with a tube of Industrial Strength Chapstick, Devin made the following demands during a recent (ca. April 2019) appearance on the Fox News Comedy Network. He then went about tossing out the following red meat to be digested by Fox’s low I.Q. followers.

  • "We're prepared this week to notify the attorney general that we're prepared to send those referrals over." 
  • "First of all, all of these are classified or sensitive. ... Five of them are what I would call straight up referrals -- so just referrals that name someone and name the specific crimes." Nunes told Maria Bartiromo.
  • "Those crimes are lying to Congress, misleading Congress, leaking classified information. So, five of them are those types."

The Moron went on to say:

  • “We've [fellow Trump Ass-Kissers and Sycophants] had a lot of concerns with the way intelligence was used during the Trump-Russia probe.
  • "The third is what I would call a global leak referral," Nunes said. "So, there are about a dozen highly sensitive classified information leaks that were given to only a few reporters over the last two-and-a-half-plus years. So, you know, we don't know if there's actually been any leak investigations that have been opened, but we do believe that we've got pretty good information and a pretty good idea of who could be behind these leaks."
  • "I think it's impossible to ignore."
  • "If the Mueller team was busting people for lying to the FBI -- there are some pretty simple times when people lied to Congress for the sole purpose of obstructing our [Devin and his cadre of Trump Ass-Kissers] investigation."

The problem with Devin the Ass-Kisser’s so-called referral is the fact that all this BS has been previously investigated when he and his fellow comrades were running the House of Representatives.


It now appears that Devin believes that Trump’s newly hired defense attorney, William Barr will dutifully comply with any demands made by Certified Trump Ass-Kissers and Sycophants like Devin.


Given Devin’s ass-kissing routines in providing The Great Leader with classified information and lying on the Whitehouse steps about how he obtained said information may well lead to his indictment for obstruction of justice. At a minimum, one would hope that his constituents in the Fresno area have had their fill of him ignoring their needs while he cheerfully spends most of his time on his knees genuflecting in honor of The Great Leader.

  1. Rodney Dangerfield Comic Award Winner = 1
  2. Rep. Devin Nunes: Today’s “Gen. Michael Flynn Ass-Kisser” Award Winner: Art. 211 Ass-Kisser Awards
  3. Fresno Bee declares Rep. Devin Nunes to be a stooge for Trump: Art. 212 Ass-Kisser Awards
  4. Rep. Devin Nunes: Today’s “Lyin Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner: Art. 213 Ass-Kisser Awards
  5. Duty to Tell Trump about Surveillance claims sez Rep. Devin Nunes: Art. 214 Ass-Kisser Awards
  6. Trump sez White House-Russia controversy “fake news, total scam”: Art. 426: Bullshit Awards
  7. Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA): Today’s “Whiny Crybaby” Award Winner: Art. 34 Misc. Awards
  8. Trump orders motto on Dollar changed to “In Trump we Trust": Art. 26 Dawg Laments
  9. Trump claims evidence of ongoing Special Counsel’s Witch Hunt: Art. 31 Dawg Laments