► Tony Perkins: Today’s “Scott Pruitt Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print

Tony Perkins: Today’s “Scott Pruitt Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Tony. In the past, he has been the recipient of thirty-three (33) Awards in various categories and/or the subject of one (1) opinion piece. Those awards and opinion piece are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


It should be noted that Tony is an ex-cop and television reporter that subsequently learned that he could make a good living by portraying himself as a God-fearing Evangelical Leader. Towards that end, Tony founded the Family Research Council, a right-wing loony organization.


In an ongoing effort to prove his allegiance and loyalty to Donald “Trumporleone” Trump, Tony decided to heap praise upon EPA Chief Scott Pruitt who was appointed by The Great Leader.


Recent news about Scottie proves beyond all doubt that he is the most corrupt public official to be appointed as a cabinet officer in the past 75 years or more. Scottie has knowingly and intentionally waisted millions of taxpayer dollars on traveling first class and on other wasteful spending. Suffice it to say that Scottie is an Arrogant Ass that believe he has a right to spend your money to serve his greedy and, in many instances, unethical and/or illegal needs.


After donning a pair of Trumpian Brand ™ Industrial Strength Knee Pads, Tony spewed made the following comments while being interviewed by CNN’s Erin Burnett.

  • "The President has been very clear that these things are problematic as you look at them on their face." [Scottie’s spending habits]
  • "I've spoken to a number of these Cabinet secretaries who are being threatened and harassed when they get on planes and they're flying in coach."
  • "He's getting eight times the number of threats his predecessor got."

What kind of Good Christian would find it acceptable for Pruit to rip off his constituents by bilking them to the tune of millions of taxpayer dollars? Of course, if Pruitt worked for Obama, Tony would be singing a completely different tune. One because Obama is, well you know what I mean and second because he was a Democrat.

  1. Ass-Kisser Award = 2
  2. Bigot Award Winner = 5
  3. Bullshit Award Winner = 7
  4. Homophobe Aware Winner = 2
  5. Liar Award Winner = 1
  6. Lunatic Award Winner = 6
  7. MoronAward Winner = 2
  8. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 4
  9. Screwball Award Winner = 4
  10. Elmer Gantry Wannabee Tony Perkins attacks reversal of Prop 8: Dawg Opinions Art. 239