► Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao: Today’s “Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print

Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao: Today’s “Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


Elaine is married to Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. Prior to being appointed as Secretary of Transportation, Elaine was employed by the Bush administration in several different capacities.


During her reign as Secretary of Labor in the Bush administration, Elaine was repeatedly exposed for refusing to adequately investigate claims by low wage earners that they were being defrauded by their employers. It was also revealed that she also failed to conduct federally required inspections at more than731 underground coal mines, and that the number of worker deaths in mining accidents more than doubled on her watch.


In plain and simple language, Elaine is and has been a cheerleader for corporations that screw their employees by underpaying them and/or for the safety mine workers. This is of course in keeping with the right-wing positions of her husband Mitch.


In on ongoing attempt to prove her undying loyalty to Donald “Trumporleone” Trump, Elaine decided to spout off about the meeting of various economists and world leaders in Davos, Switzerland for the annual “World Economic Forum.”


After donning a pair of Trumpian Brand ™ Industrial Strength Knee Pads, Elaine made the following hyperbolic (BS) statement:

  • “Davos should feel very flattered that he [The Great Leader] has chosen this as a forum.”
  • "Those who don’t want to listen to him can leave."

To suggest that the leaders of Canada, Great Britain and other countries are “thrilled” to have someone who has had affairs with Porn Stars, cheerfully discriminated against African-Americans, defrauded Trump University students, cheated Polish immigrant workers in New York City and has screwed his creditors by filing bankruptcy at least four times doesn’t pass the involuntary laugh test.