► EPA Boss Scott Pruitt allows Energy industry to control Science Advisory Boards Print

EPA Boss Scott Pruitt allows Energy industry to control Science Advisory Boards


Serial Energy Company Ass-Kisser Scott Pruit, so-called head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decided to  ban scientists who receive funding from the agency from serving on its scientific advisory boards. (Alexander C. Kaufman)


The rule making was made for the sole purpose of Scottie paying tribute to his Energy based benefactors at the expense of the general public’s right to clean air and water.


At an event celebrating his new policy, Scottie had the chutzpah to invoke a biblical tale from the book of Joshua wherein pagans are instructed to “choose this day whom you will serve,” either God or the “gods of your fathers.” In truth, in referring to the “gods of your fathers,” Scottie wanted to say the “gods of Exxon-Mobil, BP and Shell.”


It is undisputed that Scottie has dedicated his political career to kissing the substantial asses of the Oil industry. Hopefully, the Energy Industry has reimbursed Scottie for the costs he has and continues to incur in purchasing tubes of Industrial Strength ChapStick.


Having Scottie preside over the EPA is akin to restricting prospective jurors in a criminal child molestation case to convicted pedophiles. The outcome will be forgone conclusion; however, the jurors will likely be hands when weighing the evidence.


For additional stories about Scottie visit the articles categorized below


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