► Reince Priebus thanks Trump for his blessings Print

Reince Priebus thanks Trump for his blessings


During a recent (6/12/17) meeting of the cabinet members servicing Donald “Trumporleone” Trump, Chief of Staff and Chief Ass-Kisser Reince Priebus decided to pay homage and respect to the Don.


Prior to so acting, Reince donned a pair of Trumpian ™ Industrial Strength Knee Pads and then made the following statement to The Don and the assembled Trump Toadies.

  • “We thank you for the opportunity and blessing to serve your agenda.”

For real effect in honoring The Don, I’m sure that Reince genuflected while he kissed The Don’s pinky ring or even better his substantial derriere.


No president in history has ever demanded this type of “loyalty” and repeated proof of respect as is the case with The Don. The Don’s conduct is in keeping with what one would expect of the present Godfather of the Bonanno Crime Family in New York, Michael “The Nose” Mancuso.


If Reince keeps up his incessant Ass-Kissing he’ll have to demand a pay raise from The Don to defray the costs of future purchases of Industrial Strength ChapStick.


For additional stories about Reince visit the articles below


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