► Sen. Steve Daines (MT): Today’s “Dimwit” Award Winner Print

Sen. Steve Daines (MT): Today’s “Dimwit” Award Winner


Stevie succeeded in duping the voters in Montana into electing him as a member of the U.S. Senate in November 2014.


In an effort to further establish his bona fides as Montana’s Premier Dimwit, Stevie decided to go on the attack against a recent (ca. May 11, 2022) Senate vote to guarantee the right to aborition under federal law.


Towards that end, Stevie took to the Senate floor and spewed forth the following moronic crap.

  • “If you were to take or destroy the eggs of a sea turtle, now I said the eggs. Not the hatchlings, that’s also a [unintelligible], the criminal penalties are severe. Up to $100,000 fine and a year in prison. Now why?”
  • “Why do we have laws in place that protect the eggs of a sea turtle or the eggs of eagles??
  • “Because when you destroy an egg, you’re killing a preborn baby sea turtle or a preborn baby eagle.”

So, now we have Stevie the Dimwit arguing that the eggs of Sea Turtles and that of a woman are somehow the same. Only a demented dimwit (DD) would even make such an idiotic suggestion.


Unlike Sea Turtles, women in the United States are not designated as an “endangered species. Of course it goes without saying that Stevie and those of his ilk (FYI Stevie: ILK is not defined as a Male ELK) find it acceptable to falsely portray themselves as looking out for the best interests of women when in fact they firmly believe that they are the dominant gender and women must remain subservient to them.


It surely would have been a blessing to American women if Stevie’s Mom Sharon had opted for an abortion in January 1962 while the family was living in Van Nuys, California. Who knows? If Sharon knew in early 1962 what an idiot Stevie would turn out to be on a women’s right to control her own body, she may well have opted to have an abortion.


As we speak (ca. June 2022), Stevie continues to be an embarrassment to the good citizens of Montana.