► Louis Gohmert says, Trump saved us from Unprecedented Persecution of Christians Print

Louis Gohmert says, Trump saved us from Unprecedented Persecution of Christians


It should be noted that Rep. Louie Gohmert has had his significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough for the past twenty-seven years. Apparently, no self-respecting law firm in the greater Tyler, Texas area was about to offer Louie a good paying job.


During a recent (early December 2016) interview with Virginia talk radio host Rob Shilling, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) decided to spew forth more of his hyperbolic (BS) comments about the election of Donald “Trumporleone” Trump as president.


Louie went on to tell Shilling’s intellectually deprived listeners:

  • “We can never, ever allow this country to come that close to immediately losing four of the first 10 rights, first 10 amendments that the founders gave us.”
  • “When I said we were on the brink, we were on the brink of devastation, we were on the brink of losing freedoms, we were on the brink of Christians being persecuted like had never happened in the history of this country.”
  • “Now we’ve got a window and cannot lose this chance again, we have got to get ourselves back on track.

What Louie the Loon was falsely saying is that if Hillary had been elected Christians would have been persecuted and we would have lost our freedoms. This is demonstrably false as is most of everything that comes out of the Loon’s foul mouth.


Since the Louie the Loon is a lawyer it is understandable that he is well schooled in fabricating false facts. In fact, we should all know that he’s lying when his lips are moving.


For additional stories about Louie the Loon go to the articles categorized below

  1. Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 2
  2. Bigot/Racist Award Winner = 3
  3. Bullshit Award Winner = 3
  4. Chicken Little Award Winner = 1
  5. Dumbo Award Winner = 2
  6. Homophobe Award Winner = 1
  7. Liar Award Winner = 2
  8. Lunatic Award Winner = 5
  9. MoronAward Winner = 4
  10. Mysoginist Award Winner = 1
  11. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 2
  12. Screwball Award Winner = 5
  13. 2012 Top 10 Congressional Homophobes – Top 10 Award Winners
  14. Hippies and Troublemaker taking over America Gohmert: Art. 22 Ass-Kisser Awards
  15. America lost if Immigration Reform Passes: Art. 98 Bigot Awards
  16. Time to begin impeaching Judges for Marriage Equality rulings: Art. 99 Bigot Awards
  17. Obama to use Immigrants to dilute vote of Real Americans: Art. 100 Bigot Awards
  18. Hillary is “mentally impaired” and has “Special Needs”: Art. 125 Bullshit Awards
  19. Self-Loathing Jews get along with Obama Gohmert Loon: Art. 116 Lunatic Awards
  20. Hillary backs Obama agenda because she fears he’ll indict her: Art. 117 Lunatic Awards
  21. Tens of Millions of American deaths due to Iran Nuclear accord: Art. 118 Lunatic Awards
  22. God gets credit if Iran Deal stopped by Congress: Art. 105 Screwball Awards
  23. No Gay Couples allowed on future Space Colonies: Art. 76 Rodney Dangerfield Awards