► Attorney Kathleene Cipriano of Virginia Beach; ethical misfit Print
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Attorney Kathleene Cipriano of Virginia Beach; ethical misfit

The Virginia State Bar Disciplinary Board found Kathleene guilty of the following misconduct.
In one matter, Jennifer Nati hired Kathleene to represent her in a uncontested divorce. The retainer agreement allowed Kathleene to charge Jennifer’s credit card for legal fees and expenses.
A couple of days before Kathleene was hired, Jennifer and her ex-husband executed a Stipulation and Agreement as to marital property, support, and child custody and visitation issues.
After hiring Kathleen, Jennifer agreed to and did in fact proceed pro se (represented herself) in seeking a final divorce decree in accordance with the aforementioned Stipulation and Agreement.
Subsequently, Kathleene filed a Civil Complaint for Divorce along with the executed Stipulation and Agreement. During the passage of time, Jennifer’s circumstances changed necessitating changes to the Stipulation and Agreement. In each instance, Jennifer and her ex-husband reach agreements themselves.
Shortly thereafter, Jennifer contacted Kathleene to learn the status of the pending divorce action and to request and to request an amendment to the Stipulation on visitation and custody issues. Subsequently, Jennifer and her ex-husband reached full agreement as to the revised visitation and custody issues.
Thereafter, Jennifer continued to press Kathleene to proceed and for information regarding the pending divorce action. Kathleene repeatedly assured Jennifer that the matter was being handled expeditiously.
The ex-husband’s reenlistment in the Navy was forthcoming and as a result he was going to be paid a $90,000 reenlistment bonus. Based on an agreement reached between Jennifer and her ex-husband she was to receive 25% of the bonus. Kathleene then drafted a second addendum based on said agreement. 
Jennifer then contacted Kathleene demanding a court date by the end of the month. Kathleene advised Jennifer that the Final Decree had already been drafted and that it would be forwarded to the court along with a request for a court date.
Shortly thereafter, Jennifer learned that the Court had no record of receiving the Final Decree fro review. Kathleene then filed the sketch final decree to the court for review and approval; however the court rejected it. Kathleene failed to advise Jennifer of the court’s rejection. In fact, she learned of it on her own from court personnel.
Jennifer then fired Kathleene and hired attorney Valerie Huber to finalize her divorce. Ms. Huber then sent Kathleene a demand letter for Jennifer’s file; however, it took her about four months to provide it.
As a consequence of his misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Virginia State Bar Disciplinary Board punished Kathleene by gifting her with a complimentary reprimand.
As we speak (ca. March 2013), Kathleene practices with W. Ware Morrison, PLLC at 2628 Barrett Street in Virginia Beach, Virginia.