► Trump Jr. Today’s “Rodney Dangerfield” Award Winner Print

Trump Jr. Today’s “Rodney Dangerfield” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Junior. In the past, he has been the recipient of six (6) Awards in various. Those awards are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


During a recent (December 2017) rant before a bunch of young conservatives in Florida, Donald Trump Jr. attempted to further prove that old adage that “the avocado doesn’t fall far from the tree.”


In this instance, Donnie laughingly claimed that his Daddy was the victim of a rigged system. Towards that end, Donnie said:

  • "There is, and there are, people at the highest levels of government that don't want to let America be America."
  • "My father talked about a rigged system throughout the campaign, and people were like, 'Oh, what are you talking about?'"
  • "But it is. And you're seeing it."

Donnie’s feigned whining relates to one (1) FBI official who sent out emails to his girlfriend wherein he said that The Great Leader was an “idiot.” Based on this statement, which is obviously true although unfair to the vast majority of idiots, Donnie claims that the entire FBI is corrupt and out to get his Daddy.


Just like Daddy, Donnie doesn’t provide the names of the “people at the highest levels of government” that are out to get The Great Leader.


Donnie Jr. is proof that the adage “the avocado doesn’t fall far from the tree” is highly relevant.


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