► Gov. Bob “Transvaginal” McDonnell: Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner Print

Gov. Bob “Transvaginal” McDonnell: Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
Gov. Bob “Transvaginal” McDonnell (R-VA)
Today’s “Screwball” Award Winner
Everyone is well aware of Transvaginal Bob’s asinine law allowing the state to force a woman to have a Transvaginal ultrasound against her wishes if she wanted to have an abortion. Once Screwy Bob signed the legislation into law, his days as a viable candidate for the Vice Presidency or Presidency were over.
Screwy Bob and his fellow Screwballs continues to actually believe that and his fellow Screwballs have an absolute right to invade the privacy of Virginia women seeking an abortion. These are the same buffoons that demand that the government get out of everyone’s life. However, that hyperbolic (BS) rant is irrelevant when it comes to controlling their women.
Bobby recently introduced an amendment to the state’s health insurance exchange that would prohibit insurance plans in the exchange from covering abortions. Bobby’s asinine amendment would also ban any woman in Virginia from buying a policy rider from her health insurer to cover an abortion.
Bobby and his cadre of practicing misogynistic Screwballs now believe they have an absolute right to intervene in a private transaction between a woman and her insurer. Obviously, Bobby and his fellow Loons aren’t about to pass a similar law banning insurers from paying for the costs of industrial strength Viagra for Bobby and/or members of the Virginia legislature.
Congrats Bobby; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s Most Disrespected “Screwballs”; you are far too humble.