► Hillary Clinton Technically a Women but Acts like Evil Man Print

Hillary Clinton Technically a Women but Acts like Evil Man 


During a recent (April 2015) appearance with right-wing radio host and comedian Pete Santilli, Larry Klayman decided to troll for a few dollars amongst Santilli’s low I.Q. listeners by attacking Hillary.


It should be noted that Klayman is another loser lawyer that discovered how difficult it would be to make a dishonest living practicing law. Therefore, he decided to go into the second most ethical profession (used car salesman No. 1), political punditry.


It should also be noted that while practicing law, Larry has been disciplined for engaging in a variety of misconduct on at least two occasions.


Larry alleged that Rep. Trey Gowdy’s Select committee on Benghazi (sham investigation) wasn’t moving fast enough to prosecute Clinton, saying that he will step up to the plate since the committee is “for show and not for dough.”


Larry went on to claim that Rep. Gowdy refused to go after Hillary since “he is afraid of being seen of beating up on a woman.” Larry then said:


  • Hillary “is technically a woman but she acts more like an evil man.”
  • “It’s the same deference that they paid to Obama, everyone in this country is afraid of being called a sexist or racist.”


Of course there is not dispute that Larry is a racist, homophobe, mysoginist and a Certified Lunatic, ad those are his good points.


Is it possible that Larry is actually a woman acting like a man? Inquiring minds would like to know Larry.


I think we should consider sending Larry to Folsom Prison and place him in cell No. 428 where he’ll be bunked up with Clarice (real name Clarence). Maybe then we would finally discover if Larry is a woman who is trying to act like a man.


It should be noted that Larry is the A-hole who previously called for Hillary to be “shot in the vagina.”


For additional pieces on Larry go to the articles categorized below.

  1. Liar Award Winner = 1
  2. Lunatic Award Winner = 1
  3. Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 1
  4. Attorney Larry Klayman of DC; pervert, child molester: Attorney Misfits – DC
  5. Attorney Larry Klayman of DC; deadbeat loser: Attorney Misfits – DC