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21 ► Solicitor Gemma Busch of Australia; lying loser
22 ► Attorney Giovanni Bussa of Queensland, AUS; repeat offender
23 ► Solicitor Patrick Cain of Australia; serial tax cheat
24 ► Solicitor Ronald Carr Queensland, AUS; lying loser
25 ► Solicitor Patrick Carroll of Queensland, Australia; deadbeat loser
26 ► Attorney Gerard Cassidy of Victoria, AUS; ethical misfit
27 ► Solicitor Colin Chadwick of Brisbane, AUS; lying loser
28 ► Barrister Francis Chai of Queensland, AUS; ethical dwarf
29 ► Attorney Joseph Churkovich of Victoria, AUS; ethical misfit
30 ► Attorney Peter Clapin of Queensland, AUS; lying loser
31 ► Solicitor David Cleland of South Australia; dimwitted loser
32 ► Barrister Rodney Clifford of Australia; ethical misfit
33 ► Solicitor Robert Cochrane of Queensland, AUS; ethical dwarf
34 ► Solicitor Michael Coldham of Australia; cheating loser
35 ► Solicitor Erich Conradie of Queensland, AUS; moronic cheater
36 ► Attorney Anthony Comito of Victoria, AUS; lying loser
37 ► Solicitor Owen Cooper of Queensland, AUS; ethical dwarf
38 ► Solicitor Frank Cop of Queensland, AUS; moronic slacker
39 ► Solicitor Gary Cummings of Australia; ethical leprechaun
40 ► Attorney Clem D’Alessandro of Victoria, AUS; ethical elf
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