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101 ► Solicitor James Jordon of New South Wales; ethical dwarf
102 ► Solicitor Timothy Kaine of Australia; big time imbecile
103 ► Solicitor Sapna Khan of Australia; ethical misfit
104 ► Solicitor Peter Kintominas of Australia; serial offender
105 ► Solicitor Bradley Krebs of Queensland, AUS; ethical dwarf
106 ► Attorney Darren Kruse of South Australia; ethical dwarf
107 ► Attorney Victor Kudra of South Australia; pervert
108 ► Attorney Rodney Lamplugh of South Melbourne, AUS; lying loser
109 ► Barrister Bruce Laurie of Brisbane, AUS; tax scofflaw
110 ► Solicitor Lindsay Lawrence of Australia; ethical misfit
111 ► Barrister John Lee of Brisbane, AUS; convicted tax cheat
112 ► Barrister John Lee of Australia; serial tax cheat
113 ► Solicitor Julieanne Levick of New South Wales; scamming loser
114 ► Solicitor Georgia Lim of Australia; lying loser
115 ► Solicitor Georgia Lim of Milton, AUS; lying loser
116 ► Attorney Katrina Lind of South Australia; lying loser
117 ► Attorney Craig Lindley of Queensland, AUS; ethical goblin
118 ► Barrister Craig Lindley of Queensland, AUS; cheating loser
119 ► Solicitor Nick Logan of Australia; ethical dwarf
120 ► Solicitor David Lobbezoo of Queensland, AUS; idiotic liar
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