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81 ► Sen. Eduardo Lucio of Brownsville; serial scofflaw; certified moron, ethical gremlin
82 ► Sen. Eddie Lucio – Texas’ Legislative “Caloric Intake” Award Winner
83 ► Texas Rep. Marisa Marquez of El Paso; scofflaw; moron, ethical elf
84 ► Assistant AG Jeff Mateer of Austin, TX; bigoted homophobe
85 ► State Rep. Morgan Meyer of Dallas, TX; 2021 cheapskate award
86 ► Texas Asst AG Nick Moutos: Today’s “Bigoted Loser” Award Winner
87 ► Texas Lt. Gov. Dr. Dan Patrick: Today’s “Loony Quack Doctor” Award Winner
88 ► Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: Today’s “NRA Ass-Kissing Bigot” Award Winner
89 ► Watchdawg’s Letter to Texas Gov. Rick Perry re: “The Response” Sponsors
90 ► Gov. Rick Perry – aspiring fiction author’s first book titled “Fed-Up” (FU)
91 ► Was Gov. Rick Perry right in saying he’s offended that he could be bought for $5,000?
92 ► Today’s “Screwball Comic” Award Winner is Gov. Rick Perry of Texas
93 ► If Rick Perry’s elected President who would he appoint to Cabinet positions?
94 ► If elected President, Gov. Perry sez he’ll eliminate EPA
95 ► Did Rep. Joe Pickett of El Paso improperly pocket per diem payments from the State?
96 ► Texas State Rep. Inocente Quintanilla; scofflaw; moron, ethical gremlin
97 ► State Rep. Ron Reynolds (D-TX); Today’s Public Official Misfit
98 ► Rep. Chip Roy (TX): Today’s “Bigoted Loser” Award Winner
99 ► Federal Judge Michael Schneider: Texas’ No. 1 Overall Grinch
100 ► Letter to IRS Commissioner Doug Schulman re: TX legislators as possible tax scofflaws
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