Bullshit Award Winners
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# Article Title
441 ► Trump to defund PBS (Porno Broadcasting System)
442 ► Trump tells Americans to stop buying Trump products
443 ► Fox & Friends announces hiring of Trump as Political Consultant
444 ► Trump orders extreme vetting to include colonoscopies
445 ► Trump adds “O’Reilly, Hannity and Limbaugh to Endangered Species List
446 ► Trump's BS about speedy Gorsuch Supreme Court confirmation
447 ► Trump sez Fox & Friends do “amazing reporting”
448 ► Trump sez White House-Russia controversy “fake news, total scam”
449 ► Donald Trump sez: 1st Amendment gives him right to Criticize Fake News
450 ► Donald “Trumporleone” Trump respects and appreciates Michael Savage
451 ► Trump sez Order to bar Refugees Working Out Very Nicely
452 ► Donald Trump sez Waterboarding one step slightly below torture
453 ► Donald Trump: Today’s Bullshit Award Winner
454 ► Russia story Fake News says, Donald “Trumporleone” Trump
455 ► Donald “Trumporleone” Trump: Today’s “Bullshit” Award Winner
456 ► Donald Trump takes credit for ending California Drought
457 ► Trump honors Fox News as “Fair and Balanced”
458 ► Trump issues order that Alec Baldwin be detained
459 ► Donald “Trumporleone” Trump announces acceptable debate moderators
460 ► Donald “Trumporleone” Trump: Today’s “Bullshit” Award Winner
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