Bullshit Award Winners
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# Article Title
401 ► Donald Trump: Today’s “Bullshit” Award Winner
402 ► Donald “Trumporleone” Trump: Today’s “Bullshit” Award Winner
403 ► Trump sez he’s got very good relationship with Kim Jong Un
404 ► Absolute explosion of coal mining jobs thanks to Trump
405 ► Trump feigns anger at NFL playing kneeling during playing of Anthem
406 ► Trump sez Sen. Jeff Flake (AZ) is toast
407 ► Trump calls Hillary biggest loser of all time
408 ► Trump the Memory Giant can’t remember meeting with Papadapoulous
409 ► Trump sez its commonly agreed that Hillary colluded with the Russians
410 ► Trump sez nobody has more respect than he does
411 ► Trump sez he has one of the greatest memories
412 ► Trump’s rendition of “First they came for me”
413 ► Trump sez NFL must require players to stand during national anthem
414 ► Trump considers ordering Seth Curry traded to Cavs
415 ► Trump contemplates replacing Mueller with Sean Hannity
416 ► Trump's prior anger at removal of statue honoring Joe Paterno
417 ► Trump sez he’ll be angry if GOP health care bill fails
418 ► Trump vows Repercussions if Health care bill fails
419 ► Donald “Trumporleone” Trump claims son is a “Good Boy”
420 ► Trump makes Mafia connected lawyering in "America Great Again”
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