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21 ► Attorney Timothy Barbrow of Fredericksburg, VA; ethical misfit
22 ► Attorney Brian Barger Jr. of Richmond, VA; ethical dwarf
23 ► Attorney George Barker Jr. of Meadowview, VA; convicted druggie
24 ► Attorney Charles Bashara of Norfolk, VA; ethical misfit
25 ► Attorney Peter Baskin of Fairfax, VA; ethical elf
26 ► Attorney Timothy Battle of Alexandria, VA; ethical goblin
27 ► Attorney Craig Baumann of Alexandria, VA; scamming loser
28 ► Attorney David Bean of Strasburg, VA; lying loser
29 ► Attorney Matthew Bellinger of Montpelier, VA; unfaithful loser
30 ► Attorney John Bevis of Fairfax, VA; ethical gremlin
31 ► Attorney Howard Bierman of Arlington, VA; ethical dwarf
32 ► Attorney Charles Billman of Bluemont, VA; scamming loser
33 ► Attorney Jennings Bird of Roanoke, VA; ethical ogre
34 ► Attorney Steven Biss of Charlottesville, VA; repeat offender
35 ► Attorney Clay Blanton of Quinton, VA; moron
36 ► Attorney Patrick Blasz of Vienna, VA; slacker
37 ► Attorney William Boge of Manassas, VA; slacker
38 ► Attorney Paul Bohnet of Virginia Beach; shoplifting liar
39 ► Attorney John Bond of Fairfax, VA; unethical Dumbo
40 ► Attorney Tony Booker of Arlington, VA; cheating loser
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