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121 ► Attorney Jennifer Dilworth of Hampton, VA; ethical dwarf
122 ► Attorney Denny Dobbins of Portsmouth, VA; ethical goblin
123 ► Attorney Kenneth Dodl of Virginia Beach, VA; slacker
124 ► Attorney Scott Donovan of Manassas, VA; ethical goblin
125 ► Attorney David Downes of Front Royal, VA; ethical misfit
126 ► Attorney Bruce Downing of Winchester, VA; moronic slacker
127 ► Attorney Terry Driskill of Hopewell, VA; idiotic slacker
128 ► Attorney David DuBose of Richmond, VA; ethical gremlin
129 ► Attorney Robert Dwoskin of Charlottesville VA; repeat offender
130 ► Attorney Michael Eberhardt of Suffolk, VA; ethical gremlin
131 ► Attorney George Edwards of Chesterfield, VA; ethical gremlin
132 ► Attorney John Edwards of Alexandria, VA; slacker, loser
133 ► Attorney Patrick Edwards of Arlington, VA; ethical elf
134 ► Attorney Kirk Eley of Broad Run, VA; lying loser
135 ► Attorney Kevette Elliott of Richmond, VA; ethical gremlin
136 ► Attorney Denis Englisby of Chesterfield, VA; ethical misfit
137 ► Attorney Gregory English of Alexandria, VA; lazy Dufus
138 ► Attorney Michael Ephraim of Annandale, VA; dimwitted loser
139 ► Attorney Arthur Ermlich Jr. of Virginia Beach; ethical ogre
140 ► Attorney Jane Eshagpoor of Richmond, VA; ethical misfit
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