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41 ► Attorney Cleve Burns of Provo, UT; ethical ogre
42 ► Attorney Thomas Burton of Cottonwood Heights, UT; ethical troll
43 ► Attorney Amy Butters of Clearfield, UT; idiotic loser
44 ► Attorney Jeanne Campbell of Murray, UT; ethical misfit
45 ► Attorney Christopher Cannon of Springville, UT; check bouncing loser
46 ► Attorney Joseph Carlson of Highland, UT; deadbeat loser
47 ► Attorney Joe Cartwright of Salt Lake City; ethical misfit
48 ► Attorney John Cawley of Salt Lake City; ethical dwarf
49 ► Attorney Brent Chipman of Salt Lake City; ethical dwarf
50 ► Attorney T. Christian Burridge of Salt Lake City; greedy, ethical leprechaun
51 ► Attorney Kent Christiansen of Farmington, UT; lying loser
52 ► Attorney Steve Christensen of Salt Lake City; check bouncing scammer
53 ► Attorney Roy Cole of Ogden, UT; ethical dwarf
54 ► Attorney Kathryn Collard of Salt Lake City; lying loser
55 ► Attorney Richard Cook of Salt Lake City; ethical gremlin
56 ► Attorney John Cooper of Ogden, UT; ethical troll
57 ► Attorney John Coy of Salt Lake City; slacker, loser
58 ► Attorney Steven Crawley of Sandy, UT; idiotic loser
59 ► Attorney Rocky Crofts of Roy, UT; cheating ignoramus
60 ► Attorney Roberto Culas of Midvale, UT; ethical dwarf
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