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401 ► Attorney Alan Seligson of Eugene, OR; ethical gremlin
402 ► Attorney Paul Sherman II of Portland, OR; ethical dwarf
403 ► Attorney Eric Shilling of Portland, OR; ethical dwarf
404 ► Attorney Dean Shyshlak of Portland, OR; ethical misfit
405 ► Attorney Daniel Simcoe of Grants Pass, OR; ethical misfit
406 ► Attorney Robert Simon of Portland, OR; ethical loser
407 ► Attorney Toni D. Skinner of Hermiston, OR; greedy repeater
408 ► Attorney Donald Slayton of Eugene, OR; serial offender
409 ► Attorney Carolyn Smale of Hood River, OR; ethical dwarf
410 ► Attorney John Smallmon of Hermiston, OR; scofflaw, repeat offender
411 ► Attorney Frederick Smith of Portland; liar, ethical leprechaun
412 ► Attorney Lynn Smith of Lake Oswego, OR; imbecile, repeat offender
413 ► Attorney Rex Smith of Lake Oswego, OR; ethical dwarf
414 ► Attorney Susan Snell of Tualatin, OR; ethical misfit
415 ► Attorney Douglas Snyder of Portland, OR; dimwitted liar
416 ► Attorney Glenn Solomon of Portland; repeat offender
417 ► Attorney Shawn Sornson of Salem, OR; thieving loser
418 ► Attorney Matthew Sowa of Salem, OR; slacker, loser
419 ► Attorney Michael Spencer of Klamath Falls; repeat offender
420 ► Attorney Ronald Sperry III of Roseburg, OR; ethical ogre
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