New Hampshire
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61 ► Attorney Michael Jones of Salem, NH; bigoted bully
62 ► Attorney Robert Kasper Jr. of Walpole, NH; ethical goblin
63 ► Attorney Brian Kenyon of Kingston, NH; idiotic slacker
64 ► Attorney Donald King of Amherst, NH; ethical dwarf
65 ► Attorney Sandra Kuhn of Concord, NH; repeat offender
66 ► Attorney Peter Kutrubes of Bedford, NH; idiot, serial offender
67 ► Deputy DA Patricia LaFrance of Brentwood, NH; ethical dwarf
68 ► Attorney Paul Maggiotto of Concord, NH; ethical leprechaun
69 ► Attorney George Maroun of Windham, NH; cheating slacker
70 ► Attorney Keri Marshall of East Kingston, NH; ethical dwarf
71 ► Attorney Steven Maynard of Nashua, NH; ethical leprechaun
72 ► Attorney James McDaniel II of Dover, NH; crooked loser
73 ► Attorney Joshua Mesmer of Manchester, NH; dimwitted slacker
74 ► Attorney Jeremey Miller of Concord, NH; repeat offender
75 ► Attorney Richard Mooney of Pembroke, NH; convict
76 ► Attorney Robert Morgan of Claremont, NH; serial offender
77 ► Attorney Thomas Morgan of Salem, NH; moronic loser
78 ► Attorney Lynn Morse of Exeter, NH; Dumbo, repeat offender
79 ► Attorney Robert Nadeau of Bedford, NH; ethical misfit
80 ► Attorney Donald Nary II of Durham, NH; slacker, loser
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