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21 ► Attorney Douglas Brunson of Larned, KS; ethical misfit
22 ► Attorney David Bryan of Kansas City, KS; ethical leprechaun
23 ► Attorney Frederick Campbell of Garnett, KS; Gadaffi Wannabee
24 ► Attorney Gerald Capps of Wichita; ethical misfit
25 ► Attorney Benjamin Casad of Leavenworth, KS; moronic slacker
26 ► Attorney/Judicial Candidate Timothy Chambers of Newton, KS; ethical dwarf
27 ► Attorney Mitchell Christians of Salina, KS; repeat offender
28 ► Attorney Louis Clothier of Leavenworth, KS; ethical leprechaun
29 ► Attorney Richard Comfort of Salina, KS; serial offender
30 ► Attorney Gary Conwell of Topeka; cokehead
31 ► Attorney David Crandall of Overland Park, KS; moronic slacker
32 ► Attorney Russell Cranmer of Wichita, KS; convicted pervert
33 ► Attorney Kevin Cure of Galena, KS; serial drunken convict
34 ► Attorney Reginald Davis of Kansas City, KS; ethical misfit
35 ► Attorney Russell Davisson of Wichita; serial drunk, wife beater
36 ► Attorney Andrew Delaney of Hiawatha, KS; slacker
37 ► Attorney Linda Eckelman of Lawrence, KS; potty mouth loser
38 ► Attorney Kenneth Eland of Hoxie, KS; slacker, loser
39 ► Attorney Stephen Flack of Prairie Village, KS; ethical leper-con
40 ► Attorney Pantaleon Florez of Topeka; deadbeat, repeat offender
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