District of Columbia
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# Article Title
101 ► Attorney Leroy Jenkins Jr. of DC; ethical misfit
102 ► Attorney Brittany Jennings of DC; ethical misfit
103 ► Attorney Robert Johnson II of DC; ethical dwarf
104 ► Attorney Lawrence Joseph of DC; Half-Wit Trump Ass-Kisser
105 ► Attorney Elise Joyner of DC; ethical misfit
106 ► Attorney Ray Kaselonis of Washington, DC; bigoted loser
107 ► Attorney Robert Kaufman of DC; moronic loser
108 ► Attorney Martin Killingham of DC; idiotic slacker
109 ► Attorney Larry Klayman of DC; ethical troll, repeat offender
110 ► Attorney Larry Klayman of DC; congenital liar
111 ► Attorney Larry Klayman of DC; pervert, child molester
112 ► Attorney Larry Klayman of Washington DC; deadbeat loser
113 ► Attorney Sheldon Klein of DC; ethical misfit
114 ► Attorney Andrew Kline of Washington DC; disgusting loser
115 ► Attorney John Klusaritz of DC; ethical misfit
116 ► Attorney M. Adriana Koeck of Falls Church, VA; ethical goblin
117 ► Attorney Steven Kreiss of DC; moronic slacker
118 ► Attorney Gregory Lattimer of DC; scamming slacker
119 ► Attorney Christopher Libertelli of DC; ethical gremlin
120 ► Attorney John Lopatto III of DC; ethical misfit
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