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141 ► Attorney Selvoy Fillerup of Denver, CO; ethical troll
142 ► Attorney William Finn of Denver, CO; lying loser
143 ► Attorney Mark Fischer of Steamboat Springs, CO; thief, repeat offender
144 ► Attorney Robert Fisher of Colorado Springs; ethical leprechaun
145 ► Attorney Robert Fischer of Englewood, CO; liar
146 ► Attorney Ronald Fitzke of Englewood, CO; thief, convicted druggie
147 ► Attorney A. Craig Fleishman of Denver; greedy loser
148 ► Attorney Gilbert Fleming of Boulder, CO; scamming loser
149 ► Attorney Rafael Flores of Wheat Ridge, CO; ethical dwarf
150 ► Attorney Carol Flowers of Arvada, CO; thieving loser
151 ► Attorney Deborah Foreman of Littleton, CO; repeat offender
152 ► Attorney Paul Fossenier of Denver; convicted burglar
153 ► Attorney Steven Foster of Boulder, CO; convict, repeat offender
154 ► Attorney Robert Francis of Aspen, CO; ethical gremlin
155 ► Attorney Vincent Frassetto of Aurora, CO; convict
156 ► Attorney Joseph Fredenburg of Grand Junction, CO; convicted felon
157 ► Attorney Michael Freeman of Golden, CO; ethical misfit
158 ► Attorney William Fritsche III of Fort Collins, CO; ethical leprechaun
159 ► Attorney Christopher Fry of Denver, CO; slacker, loser
160 ► Attorney Peter Fullerton of Fort Collins, CO; slacker
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