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# Article Title
1 ► Canada Judicial Commission sample Ethics Question
2 ► Former Judge Dianne Ballam of Ontario, CAN; ethical troll
3 ► Judge Frank Barakett of Quebec; bigot, moron, misogynist, arrogant
4 ► Judge Jean Bienvenue of Montreal; die-in-the-wool misogynist and moron?
5 ► Judge Donald Bird of Saskatchewan; scofflaw, ethical gremlin
6 ► Justice of the Peace Richard Bisson of Toronto, CAN; moronic loser
7 ► Appeal Judge Robert Blair of Ontario, CA; ingrate, moron, ethical dwarf
8 ► Judge Randall Bocock of Ontario, CAN; ethical goblin
9 ► Judge R. Peter Bradley of Quebec, CAN; repeat offender
10 ► Judge Jean-Paul Braun of Montreal, CAN; pompous loser
11 ► Former Judge Russell Brown of Canada; drunken harasser
12 ► Justice Robin Camp of Calgary, CAN; despicable misogynist
13 ► Justice Louise Charron of Canada; ethical gremlin, apologist for Judicial Misfits
14 ► Justice Howard Chisvin of Toronto, arrogant loser
15 ► Former Judge Denys Dionne of Quebec; certified misogynist
16 ► Justice Robert Dewar of Winnipeg; practicing misogynist, idiot
17 ► Justice Michel Déziel of Quebec, CAN; serial scofflaw
18 ► Justice Lori Douglas of Winnipeg, Manitoba; pervert, Dufus
19 ► Former Judge Monique Dubreuil of Montreal; bigoted Moron
20 ► Judge Gérard Dugré of Montreal, CAN; bullying loser
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