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# Article Title
1 ► Alaska’s 2019 Judicial Ivory Soap Ethics Rating = 99.95%
2 ► Alaska Judicial Commission sample Ethics Question
3 ► U.S. Judge James Singleton Jr.: Alaska’s 2017 Double Dipping Porker of the Year Winner
4 ► Alaska’s 2017: Judicial Ivory Soap Purity Ratings = 100.00%
5 ► Are the Federal Judges in Alaska overworked and underpaid?
6 ► U.S. Ralph Beistline of Anchorage; Dumbo
7 ► Former Judge William Carey of Ketchikan, AK; incompetent boob
8 U.S. Appeal Judge Morgan Christen of Anchorage, AK; incompetent boob
9 ► Judge Dennis Cummings of Bethel, Alaska; moron, ethical gnome
10 ► Judge Timothy Dooley of Nome, AK; mysoginist loser
11 ► Former Judge Richard Erlich of Kotzebue, AK; incompetent loser
12 ► Judge William Estelle of Palmer, AK; serial liar
13 ► Judge Martin Fallon of Kenai, AK; perjuring loser
14 ► Judge Patrick McKay of Anchorage, AK; drunken loser
15 ► Former Judge Paul Olson of Anchorage, AK; ethical dwarf
16 ► Judge Richard Postma of Anchorage; certified nutcase, screwball, loser
17 ► U.S. Judge James Singleton Jr.: Alaska’s 2017 Double Dipping Porker of the Year Winner
18 ► Former Judge Craig Stowers of Anchorage, AK; incompetent boob
19 ► Former Judge John Suddock of Anchorage, AK; incompetent loser
20 ► Former Judge Vanessa White of Anchorage, AK; slacker, loser
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