► Michael Savage says Obama the Anti-Semite Jew Hater |
Michael Savage says Obama the Anti-Semite Jew Hater
On a recent (02/11/15) airing of his daily comedy radio show, Michael Savage decided to go after Obama again by referring to the recent attack in Paris of a kosher deli. Towards that end, Mike referred to Obama as ‘the Jew-hater in the White House.” (Brian Tashman)
Mike the Comic went on to tell his low I.Q. listeners:
In a laughable attempt to further prove his laughable claim that Obama is a “secret Muslim,” Mike went on to speak of a bogus quote from Valerie Jarrett wherein she says that she wants to make America a “more Islamic country.
In a vane attempt to establish his credentials as a soft-spoken and kind-hearted talk show host, Mike then made the following complimentary statements about White House spokesman Josh Earnest.
Mike continued his attack on Obama by saying in part:
Mike then decided to make nice about some members of the Hollywood establishment by calling Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, David Geffen and Michael Bloomberg as part a modern-day Sanhedrin [assembly] run by the “Jews of Hollywood” that backs the “Fuhrer” Obama.
For additional pieces on Mike go to the articles categorized below.