► Erie County Prosecutor Kevin Baxter; Il Duce Wannabee, ethical gnome, moron Print E-mail
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Erie County Prosecutor Kevin Baxter; Il Duce Wannabee, ethical gnome, moron

FYI: Il Duce is none other than the late Italian dictator Benito Mussolini who partnered up with Hitler during World War II.
Erie County, Ohio Prosecutor Kevin Baxter is without doubt a practicing Il Duce Wannabee. FYI: Il Duce was none other than ex-dictator and despot Benito Mussolini of World War II fame.
The documented record of Kevin Baxter’s egregious misconduct over the years clearly indicates that he was enamored by the despotic conduct of Il Duce and/or the Duce’s primary cohort Adolph Hitler in abusing his power to punish his real or perceived enemies and/or to reward corrupt public officials he was personally beholding too.
It seems evident that early in his career that, Prosecutor Kevin Baxter personally incurred the expense to purchase a pair of “industrial strength knee pads,” for the purpose of acting as a compliant lackey, bootlicker and/or apple-polisher for the powers-to-be in Ohio.
Patently, Kevin Baxter lacked the intellectual acumen to sit as the elected prosecutor for Erie County, Ohio. In fact, in my personal opinion, Kevin Baxter’s I.Q. is equal to and/or lower than the posted speed limit in a school zone in Sandusky, Ohio. Put simply, Kevin Baxter is a “certified moron,” in addition to being an “ethical leper-con.”
Moreover, it would appear that after graduating from Ohio Northern University law school located in Ada, Ohio in 1982, that Kevin Baxter dedicated his legal career to the “total avoidance of propriety.” It should be noted that the law school at Ohio Northern University is consistently ranked and deservedly ranked as one of the worst law schools in the nation. Put simply, receipt of a law degree from Ohio Northern is akin to receiving an ethics degree from the Huey Long School on Ethics located at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.
It is indeed a sad commentary on the state of legal jurisprudence in Ohio that an ethically and intellectually inept individual such as Prosecutor Kevin Baxter could succeed in repeatedly duping the voters in Sandusky, Ohio in electing them as their Prosecutor.
To be fair to Kevin Baxter, if Sen. John McCain actually believed that Sarah Palin was uniquely qualified to be President of the United States then I suppose anything is possible, right?

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