► Are OH Sheriff’s right in questioning ethics of Prosecutor Kevin Baxter? Print E-mail
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Are County Sheriff’s in Ohio right in questioning the ethics of Erie County, Ohio Prosecutor Kevin Baxter?

In the recent past, County Sheriff’s in Ohio have lodged complaints against Erie County Prosecutor Kevin Baxter in regards to what they perceived to be egregious misconduct and/or misfeasance. Surprised?
Richland County, Ohio Sheriff Steve Sheldon’s Complaint v. Prosecutor Kevin Baxter
Reporter Mark Caudill of the Mansfield News-Journal reported on Feb. 26, 2010 that, Sheriff Steve Sheldon’s office filed a complaint with the Ohio Supreme Court against Erie County Prosecutor Kevin Baxter who was appointed as a special prosecutor in a case involving criminal charges lodged against a Deputy Sheriff for obstructing justice, theft, receiving stolen property and tampering with evidence.
Captain Eric Bosco and Sheriff Sheldon took the case to city Law Director Dave Remy and his staff, who determined the case, was criminal and waived it forward.
“If I didn’t think I could prove it to a jury, I wouldn’t have approved criminal charges,” First Assistant Law Director Mike Kemerer said. (Mansfield News-Journal)
Richland County Sheriff Sheldon said he decided to file a complaint against Prosecutor Kevin Baxter after he conferred with Summit County Sheriff Drew Alexander in Akron, Ohio, who had filed a similar complaint against Kevin Baxter in February 2010. In the Akron case, Kevin Baxter also served as a special prosecutor in a case involving a sheriff’s deputy accused of lying in grand jury and trial testimony. 
Can you blame Sheriff Sheldon of Mansfield and/or Sheriff Alexander of Akron for filing complaints about Prosecutor Kevin Baxter’s conduct in failing to abide by his oath of office in prosecuting public officials for (a) theft-in-office, and/or (b) for giving perjured testimony?
Who in the hell who even consider appointing Kevin Baxter to cases involving public officials charged with theft of public funds and/or giving perjured testimony? With Kevin Baxter, we have a certified and proven public official guilty of serial thefts-in-office and of coercing and suborning the perjured testimony of Ms. Krista Harris in a murder trial in Sandusky.
The only public official who would have the chutzpah to request that Kevin Baxter be appointed as a special prosecutor in cases involving public corruption would be public officials who are looking for a favorable outcome.
As to other instances wherein Prosecutor Kevin Baxter was specifically chosen by fellow prosecutors for appointment to cases wherein he would do their bidding, stay tuned for additional stories detailing this egregious misconduct which involves prosecutors from Cleveland and other areas in Northwest Ohio.

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