► Is Prosecutor Kevin Baxter Defamation Proof? Yes!! Print E-mail
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Is Erie County, Ohio Prosecutor Kevin Baxter Defamation Proof? Yes!!

On April 2, 2009, Erie County Prosecutor Kevin Baxter had the chutzpah (aka, gonads) to sue the Sandusky Register Newspaper and its publisher Douglas Phares, news reporter Jason Singer, and managing editor Matt Westerhold for defamation.
In his frivolous defamation lawsuit, Kevin Baxter had the audacity to claim that the Sandusky Register had “spun a salacious and sensational tale of scandal: A cocaine-abusing county prosecutor lies to government investigators and abuses his power to falsify public records.”
Prosecutor Kevin Baxter goes on to laughingly claim “that readers of the Sandusky Register have been led to believe a high-ranking narcotics agent even testified under oath about the prosecutor’s criminal activity.”
Kevin Baxter than asserts that the Sandusky Register’s storyline is a “complete fabrication built upon invented testimony, the distortion of innocuous facts, and the knowing re-publication of long-discredited defamatory statements, driven by the actual malice of Managing Editor Matt Westerhold, which was perpetrated by the Sandusky Register in an unlawful campaign of defamation intended to destroy the reputation of Erie County Prosecutor Kevin Baxter.”
While reviewing Kevin Baxter’s twenty-two (22) page hyperbolic (BS) lawsuit, I had to stop intermittingly due to the laughter it obviously elicited. Unfortunately, Kevin Baxter missed his calling as a “stand-up comedian.”  
If Erie County, Ohio Prosecutor Kevin Baxter could truthfully be defamed, then the following folks would also have had a basis for filing a defamation lawsuit.
  • Jeffrey Dahmer for promoting the efficacy of a vegetarian diet
  • Boston Priest John Geoghan for being labeled as a pedophile (only molested 14 alter boys)
  • U.S. Senator John Ensign for engaging in an extra-marital affair
The evidence of Prosecutor Kevin Baxter’s egregious misconduct, including his well-documented serial thefts-in-office renders his defamation lawsuit against the Sandusky Register, et al. to laughable at best.

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