► 3/2/10 letter to Prosecutor Kevin Baxter re: past criminal conduct Print E-mail
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3/2/10 letter to Erie County, Ohio Prosecutor Kevin Baxter re: past criminal conduct


Below is a verbatim copy of a letter sent via email to Erie County Prosecutor Kevin Baxter by the Watchdawg inquiring as to the innumerable criminal felonies and/or misdemeanors he’s committed over the years.
  Dave Palmer
                 The Watchdawg
            URL: www.noethics.net
                    March 2, 2010
Kevin Baxter
Erie County Prosecutor
247 Columbus Ave., Suite 319
Sandusky, Ohio
Phone: (419) 627-7697
Fax: (419) 627-7567
Re:   Your well-documented felonies/misdemeanors and misc. misconduct
Dear Mr. Baxter:
As you well know, in late 2002 I filed a voluminous complaint detailing your serial thefts-in-office in regards to your felonious use of county resources to operate a privately owned Ferry Boat business on Lake Erie in the Sandusky, Ohio area.
That complaint was based on public records I received from the Erie County Auditor’s Office, which proved beyond all doubt that you illegally billed Erie County for hundreds of phone calls that specifically dealt with the operation of your so-called Ferry boat business.
That complaint as you know was filed with the following governmental entities in Ohio:
  • Then Ohio Attorney General Betty Montgomery
  • Ohio Chief Justice Thomas Moyer
  • Ohio Disciplinary Counsel Jonathan Coughlin
  • Then Ohio State Auditor Jim Petro
Unfortunately, the above named public officials failed to take any remedial action against you despite the documentary evidence I provided to them proving that you were for all intents and purposes a crook. Apparently, they determined that you should be held to a “lower standard of conduct” then the rest of us.
The Watchdawg’s Journalistic Responsibilities
As you know, as a journalist I am ethically bound to engage in “due diligence” in reporting the facts. Put simply, I do not base my reports on innuendo, hearsay or rumor.
With that said, and in an effort to be excruciatingly fair to you in my reporting on your past misdeeds, I would appreciate it if you would be kind enough to provide me with any and all facts relating to any and all felonies and/or misdemeanors you’ve engaged in over the past twenty or more years.
In doing so, please limit your response to eight (8) pages of single-spaced facts. This limit is requested because of the time constraints imposed upon me as an investigate reporter in exposing (a) corrupt public officials such as yourself, (b) Judicial Misfits, and/or (c) attorney Misfits.
Lastly, I would invite you to review the articles listed below and make any comments you deem necessary. Just go to the URLs named below the article titles.
Thanks for your time and attention to this matter and I await your prompt reply.
Dave Palmer
The Watchdawg
Folsom, California
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