► Judge Dwight Osterud of Perrysburg, OH; one of the good guys Print E-mail

Judge Dwight Osterud of Perrysburg, Ohio; one of the good guys

Judge Dwight Osterud has sat on the Municipal Court in Perrysburg, Ohio (Toledo area) for many years.
My sole experience with Judge Dwight Osterud involved a case wherein attorney David R. Pheils, Jr. of Toledo filed a sham and fabricated criminal stalking charge against me, which was ultimately summarily dismissed as being pure BS.
Prior to his tenure on this sham case, Judge Dwight Osterud filed an ethics complaint against attorney
David R. Pheils, Jr., which related to Phiels’ egregious misconduct that took place in his court.
In his so-called defense of Judge Osterud’s ethics complaint, attorney David R. Pheils, Jr. responded by calling Judge Osterud an intellectual lightweight and ethical dwarf. In fact, attorney Pheils had the chutzpah to state that Judge Osterud treated him unfairly because he was “jealous” of Pheils’ success as an attorney and more importantly, Pheils’ superior intellect and ethics.
Despite attorney David Pheils’ highly inflammatory (defamatory) reply to Judge Dwight Osterud’s well-founded ethics complaint, he was able to render several rulings that were favorable to Pheils and clearly adverse to me.
Judge Dwight Osterud’s conduct in this matter despite Pheils’ obnoxious and unwarranted attacks upon him, clearly indicate that he put aside any perceived bias and comport his conduct in accordance with the Ohio Code of Judicial Conduct.

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