► Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH): Today’s “IHOP (Flip-Flop” Award Winner Print E-mail

Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH): Today’s “IHOP (Flip-Flop” Award Winner


Congratulations to….


Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH)

Today’s “IHOP (Flip-Flop)” Award Winner


 Shortly after the Obama administration announced that it had traded five prisoners held at Guantanamo in exchange for the release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, Kelley ran towards the nearest news microphone to feign her discontent.


Kelly told the media:

  • “The administration’s decision to release these five terrorist detainees endangers U.S. national security interests.”
  • “It sets a precedent that could encourage our enemies to capture more Americans.”

However beginning in 2011, Kelly sang a different tune when she issued multiple press releases and public statements demanding that the Obama administration “redouble its efforts” to find Sargeant Bergdahl.


Kelly then made the following comment one week before Sgt. Berdahl’s release.

  • “We also must continue to kkeep Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, who has been held prisoner by the Taliban for nearly five years, in our thoughts and prayers – and I renew my call on the Defense Department to redouble its efforts to find Sergeant Bergdahl and return him safely to his family.”

Kelly’s flip-flopping was to assure her low I.Q. followers that she will always oppose anything that Obama does or announces he will do. Put simply, Kelly is willing to say anything for self-promotion regardless of what she previously said.


Congrats Kelly; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Flip-Floppers”; you are far too humble.




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