► US Judge Rudolph Randa of Milwaukee; lifetime porker, loser Print E-mail

US Judge Rudolph Randa of Milwaukee; lifetime porker, loser


The state of Wisconsin presented Rudolph Thomas Randa with a law license in 1966 after he graduated from the University of Wisconsin Law School.


President George H.W. Bush was duped into appointing Rudolph as a District Court Judge in 1992. Rudolph didn’t receive the appointment because he was the most qualified attorney in the Milwaukee area. He received it due to the fact that he had proven to be a reliable lackey for the local political hacks.


Since receiving his law license in 1966, Rudolph has had his significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough for the last forty-six (46) years. Apparently, no self-respecting law firm in the greater Milwaukee area was about to offer Rudy a good paying job.


In early 2014, Judge Randa presided over a case wherein the Wisconsin Club for Growth and other advocacy groups were being investigated for possible criminal conduct in their financial support of Gov. Scott Walker’s recall campaign.


When Club for Growth asked Randa to issue an order prohibiting the prosecutor from continuing its criminal investigation, he cheerfully granted their wish. Randa laughingly ruled that outside groups [funded by the Koch brothers] may freely coordinate with candidates and campaigns and remain free of contribution limits. Randa then said that unlimited contributions “should be recognized as promoting political speech.”


In a rather unprecedented move, Randa ordered the prosecutors to destroy any and all evidence they had gathered during their investigation. The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals immediately issued a ruling blocking Randa’s asinine order.


The problem with Randa’s asinine ruling is the fact that he should have removed himself from any involvement in the case due to the fact that he has regularly attended junkets funded by the Koch brothers.


Hopefully the Koch brothers reimbursed Judge Randa for the cost of the industrial strength knee pads he purchased for the purpose of kissing their collective derrieres.


As we speak (ca. June 2014), Randa continues to sit on the District Court in Milwaukee. Given the fact that Rudy is 74-years-old, he likely will remain on the bench spewing forth idiotic rulings for another 20 or more years.


Rudy is yet another reason that Congress should pass a mandatory retirement age of 70 for judges. If Rudy was forced to retire today (05/29/14), he would receive an annual pension of $199,000 a year plus free health insurance.



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