► Ex-Ohio Public Safety Dir. Henry Guzman; scofflaw, ethically indigent Print E-mail
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Ex-Ohio Public Safety Director Henry Guzman; scofflaw, ethically indigent


For several years, Henry Guzman sat as Ohio’s Public Safety Director; however, as you’ll see below Mr. Guzman is a certified ethical leper-con.
On Feb. 3, 2010, Ohio’s Inspector General, Thomas Charles filed a report asserting that Henry Guzman ignored fraud and potential crimes for more than a year and failed to halt fraudulent vehicle registrations. (Columbus Dispatch – Randy Ludlow – 02/02/10 – http://tinyurl.com/ya6yk7s)  
The Inspector General’s report portrayed Mr. Guzman as placing the profits of Latino businessmen above law-enforcement worries about undocumented immigrants driving cars with fake registrations and without licenses and insurance. (Columbus Dispatch)
One could reasonably assume that Mr. Guzman wasn’t a practicing altruist and/or humanitarian who chose to thumb his nose at the law in order to protect the bottom-line profits of Latino businessmen. It would be frivolous to the nth degree to argue that Mr. Guzman was providing pro bono services to these questionable businessmen. Put simply, such a claim wouldn’t pass the involuntary laugh test.
The inspector general’s report said Mr. Guzman’s credibility [what credibility?] was compromised when Columbus lawyer Joseph Mas, a friend of Guzman’s met with him to object to changes requiring registrants to provide a valid driver’s license or state ID.
By the way, at the time, attorney Joseph Mas was representing Mr. Guzman’s son in a pending lawsuit. Not even a hint of a conflict of interest, right?
Attorney Joseph Mas denied acting improperly, saying he didn’t represent any clients [Latino businessmen] when he met with Mr. Guzman, but that he merely attended as a “concerned Latino leader.”
One can reasonably question the truthfulness of attorney Joseph Mas’ denial to the Columbus Dispatch since it appears that “his lips were moving” when he uttered this rather novella defense.
The Columbus Dispatch reported that the inspector general’s report and its findings were being provided to Disciplinary Counsel of the Ohio Supreme Court, which investigates attorney misconduct.
An unreliable source indicated that Joseph Guzman recently applied for a job as a greeter at the Wal-Mart Store located at 3900 Morse Road in Columbus. Good luck Joe!

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