► Justice Donald Beatty of South Carolina; ethical dwarf |
Justice Donald Beatty of
The state of
Justice Beatty has had his significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough for the last twenty-four (24 years. In November 2007, Beatty succeeded in duping the voters in
In late 2013, thirteen (13) of South Carolina’s sixteen (16) state prosecutors sought the recusal (removal) of Justice Beatty from hearing any future criminal appeals for the remarks he made at a conference of prosecutors in September 2013.
During a speech to the group of prosecutors, Donnie told them that they had been “getting away with too much for too long.” He went on to say that the state Supreme Court would no longer turn a blind eye to unethical conduct by prosecutors.
Donnie then said:
It can’t be disputed that there are too many instances of prosecutors crossing the line in their zeal to convict; however, for a justice of the state’s highest court to basically prejudge cases before they land before the court requires that Beatty be removed from hearing any future appeals of criminal cases.
Unfortunately, an ethical lightweight like Donnie isn't likely to voluntarily do the right thing and remove himself from hearing future criminal cases.
As we speak (ca. October 2020), Donnie continues to sit as the Chief Justice of the South Carolina Supreme Court in Columbia, South Carolina.