► David Horowitz: Today’s “Rodney Dangerfield” Award Winner Print E-mail

David Horowitz: Today’s “Rodney Dangerfield” Award Winner


Congratulations to….


David Horowitz

Today’s “Rodney Dangerfield” Award Winner





This isn’t the first Award presented to Dave. In the past, he has been the recipient of one Fleece-Flocker Award, which can be visiting that category.


Dave is a well known opportunist who is willing to say anything in order to suck up to low I.Q. right wingers in order to financially enrich himself.


During a recent (04/22/14) appearance on the Sean Hannity Comedy radio show, Dave had the chutzpah to claim that President Obama’s support of Muslims was going to result in a modern-day Holocaust.


Comic Hannity alluded to Obama’s phantom “support” of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and asked Dave if it meant that “anti-Semitism is on the rise with the potential of resulting in a modern-day Holocaust.” Dave responded by saying:

  • “I think that’s exactly accurate.”
  • “The alliance between the American left and the Islamo – I don’t call them Islamo-Fascists anymore, they’re Nazis.”
  • “They preach the same doctrine that the Nazis did, they were allied with the Nazis during the second World War. The destruction of Israel, which is welcomed by you know, like I say normal anti-Semites.”

Loony Dave went on to say:

  • “Obama could care less if the Jews are killed in the Middle-East. Obama – to answer your question, Sean – Obama is an anti-American president.”
  • “And the truth is that Barrack Obama is a menace to American security.” (Yeah Dave, the Menace had the chutzpah to kill Osama bin Laden, right?”
  • “And of course can’t impeach him because you can’t impeach the first black president.”

As usual, Dave doesn’t have any evidence to back up his outrageous lies. However, the lies were only intended to further enrich Dave via the sale of his books and/or to increase speaker’s fees he receives.


Congrats Dave; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Standup Comedians”; you are far too humble.



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