► Columbus Dispatch – 09/11/01 - Ethics violations are usual for court system Print E-mail

Columbus Dispatch – 09/11/01 - Ethics violations are usual for court system

By, Dennis T. Caron
The Sept. 5, Dispatch editorial “Loose lips” discussed media leaks by various members of the
Ohio Supreme Court and said the leaks were violations of the state Code of Judicial Conduct.
The Dispatch and the public should not be shocked by the justices’ violations of the code of conduct as it hardly is ever enforced.
Ohio, specifically with Supreme Court Chief Justice Thomas J. Moyer on the bench, has one of the worst records in the country for enforcing the Code of Judicial Conduct, and consequently, the judiciary in this state is completely out of control.
We have judges boozing on the taxpayer’s dime and grossly overbilling taxpayers for work. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Our courts are self-regulating, which is as effective as letting prison inmates operate the penal system and hookers enforce prostitution laws.
Media leaks are nothing. If Ohioans really knew how corrupt their courts are, they would really be outraged.

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