► Judge Timothy McGinty of Cleveland; misogynist, moron, bigot, |
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Judge Timothy McGinty of Cleveland; misogynist, moron, bigot
Unfortunatley, Judge Timothy McGinty has been sitting on the Cuyahoga Court of Common Pleas in Cleveland since 1993. Judge Timothy McGinty is a die-in-the-wool bigot, misogynist, certified moron, ethical dwarf, and an arrogant whatchamakallit that actually believe his "bowel movement is without odor," and those are but a few of his finer points.
Judge Timothy McGinty (aka, Chief Wahoo) became notorious when he decided in 2002 to cement his status as a certified moron and misogynist in a case involving Ms. Dana Madley.
In 2002, Ms. Madley readily admitted that she was involved in a scuffle with the police after consuming several drinks within a four hour period of time at the Cleveland Browns Stadium.
As a lifetime Detroit Lions fan (shame on me, right?) I can’t blame Ms. Madley for becoming inebriated while attending a Cleveland Brown’s game. As with the Lions, the Browns haven't been involved in a NFL championship game since 1957. I personally attended that game in Cleveland with my Dad, a couple of uncles and my grandfather.
Prior to sentencing, Judge Timothy McGinty discovered that Ms. Madley’s paternal grandmother was a Cherokee Indian. This discovery apparently led Judge Timothy McGinty to reminisce about that ol’ ditty by Paul Revere and the Raiders “Cherokee Nation.”
It would seem as though Judge Timothy McGinty’s bigoted interpretation of this ol’ ditty went something like this.
They took the whole Cherokee nation [and rightfully so]
And put us on this reservation [wasn’t about to allow them in Bay Village]
They took away our ways of life
The tomahawk and the bow and knife [NRA doesn’t support such weaponry]
They took away our native tongue [at least we didn’t cut it off sez Timmy]
And taught their English to our young [only to insure they’d follow our orders]
And all the beads we made by hand
Are nowadays made in Japan
And some day when they’ve learned [not true, so sayeth Timmy]
Cherokee Indian will return [only if he can pitch like Bob Feller sez Timmy]
Will return will return
When Ms. Madley pleaded guilty before Judge Timothy McGinty, he decided it was time to cement his status as a bigot, misogynist and ethical leper-con. In so acting, Judge Timothy McGinty pronounced a rather novel; albeit bigoted sentence based on Ms. Madley’s bloodlines; ordering her to do the following:
At her sentencing hearing, Judge Timothy McGinty said he was concerned that she “is going to
be a flaming alcoholic, and there is nothing she can do about it but accept it or deny it.”
Judge Timothy McGinty then asked Ms. Madley “Do you know anything about genetic disposition to alcoholism? Have you ever been on an Indian reservation?”
After Judge Timothy McGinty spewed forth his bigoted comments and pronounced his illegal sentence, Ms. Madley, a former high-school honor student, filed papers asking that Tim the Bigot remove himself from her case and that he revoke the illegal conditions of her probation.
Of course Judge Timothy McGinty refused to so act (Surprised?) be claiming he was not biased. In denying the request, Judge Timothy McGinty told a reporter for the Cleveland Plain Dealer that, working around alcohol would offer Ms. Madley too much opportunity to drink. He went on to say that writing a 10-page essay will force her to educate herself on the genetics of alcoholism.
Judge Timothy McGinty the Drunk
As expected Judge Timothy McGinty is a celebrated drunk. In 1977 he was criminally convicted for driving under the influence. Timmy had the audacity to claim that from 1977 through 2002 he was celibate, I’m sorry I mean a teetotaler. Yeah, and for many, many years, the late Jeffrey Dahmer (also from Cleveland) was a practicing vegetarian.
Well, to be fair to Judge Timothy McGinty, his booze of choice was Stolichnaya Vodka in comparison to the Firewater (aka, Kessler’s Whiskey) that the local Injuns in Cleveland consumed.
Judge Timothy McGinty’s Punishment
Due to the fact that judges are held to a “lower standard of conduct” then we are, Judge Timothy McGinty was never punished for his bigoted and despicable conduct.
Sadly, this celebrated bigot and loser continues to sit on the bench in Cleveland. |