► Jeb Bush: Today’s “Liar” Award Winner Print E-mail

Jeb Bush: Today’s “Liar” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
Jeb Bush
Today’s “Liar” Award Winner
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush has expressed an interest in running for the Republican nomination for President in 2016.
In an ongoing effort to gain acceptance from right-wing zealots in the GOP, Jeb appeared at a recent get together of the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s annual Road to Nowhere, I’m sorry, I mean Road to Majority Conference.
At the conference, Jeb cited education as the “greatest challenge our country faces.” Jeb went on to say,
“To me the greatest challenge our country faces is that 40% of our kids — truly, truly, honestly — 40& of our kids are college or career ready.
“And we spend more per student than any country in the world. That is not acceptable.”
Of course as expected, Jeb’s statement that “we spend more per student than any country in the world” was an outright lie. A review of online information provided by George Washington University proves the following to be true.
  • USA – spends $10,995 per student
  • Switzerland – spends $13,775 per student
  • Luxembourg – spends $16,909 per student
If Jeb were to deny that he was unaware that Switzerland and Luxembourg outspent the US in spending per student, then he is clearly unqualified to become president.
Congrats Jeb; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s Most Disrespected “Liars”; you are far too humble.



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