► Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS): Today’s “Bullshit” Award Winner Print E-mail

Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS): Today’s “Bullshit” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-MN)
Today’s “Bullshit”Award Winner
Tim Huelskamp succeeded in duping the voters into electing to the U.S. Congress in November 2010.
Timmy is a Tea Party conservative that has railed against government and has repeatedly called for shrinking the size of government.
However, as one of America’s Premier Bullshitters and Hypocrites, Timmy’s feigned demand to reduce government spending wasn’t applicable when it came to pork projects in his home district.
Timmy had no problem with pushing legislation to spend $404 million to bring an animal research facility to Manhattan, Kansas.
In order to conceal his two-faced BS, Timmy placed the funding of his $404 million pork project into a bill for funding Homeland Security for 2014.
Again we see a Tea Party Bullshitter that has tunnel vision when it comes to spending taxpayer money to benefit special interest groups in his backyard.
Congrats Timmy; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s Most Accomplished “Bullshitters”; you are far too humble.

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