► The Heritage Foundation “Fleece-Flocker” Award Winner Print E-mail

The Heritage Foundat “Fleece-Flocker” Award Winner

The Heritage Foundation claims its mission is to promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise and traditional American values.
It states that its vision is to build an America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity, and civil society flourish.
Recently, former Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) was named as president of the Heritage Foundation at an annual salary of $1 million. De Mint is a Tea Party favorite who claims to be a “family values” stalwart.
On its website, the Heritage Foundation sells a variety of books to its viewers and/or members at exorbitant prices at http://shop.heritage.org/books.html/. In truth, the Heritage Foundation is fleecing its members by charging as much as 700% more than what Amazon charges for the same books.
The table below shows 10 examples of “fleece flocking” by the Heritage Foundation under the guidance of Sen. Jim De Mint.
Heritage Foundation – Prices effective 05/08/13
Right Wing
The Power of Ideas – HC
+ $25.95
Conundrum: UN limits – HC
+ $25.48
The American Spirit – HC
+ $23.75
Wm Buckley, Jr. – Movement – HC
+ $19.97
The founders almanac – HC
+ $19.49
Heritage guide to constitution – HC
+ $18.77
Getting America right – PB
+ $14.05
We still hold these truths – PB
+ $13.48
Liberty’s best hope – PB
+ $10.95
What is truly disturbing is the fact that the outrageous profits realized by Heritage are not taxable.

Congrats Heritage Foundation; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s Most Despicable “Fleece-Flockers”; you are far too humble.








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