► Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX): Today’s “IHOP – Flip-Flop” Award Winner Print E-mail

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX): Today’s “IHOP – Flip-Flop” Award Winner

Congratulations to….
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
Today’s “IHOP – Flip-Flop”Award Winner
Ted is another attorney that succeeded in duping the voters into electing his to the U.S. Senate. The state of Texas presented Ted with a law license in 1995 after he graduated magna scum laude from Harvard.
In addition to being a Flip-Flopper extraordinaire, Teddy is also a Certified Screwball, Lunatic and an Aspiring Standup Comedian.
Teddy is a Tea Party favorite who claims to be a fiscal conservative. Teddy also favors reducing the size of the federal government and its spending.
After Hurricane Sandy wreaked havoc on the East Coast, Teddy voted against federal aid for the states involved and the victims. Teddy defended his vote against aid for Sandy Hook victims by having his spokesperson, Sean Rushton say:
  • “Senator Cruz promised the voters of Texas he would take principled stands when it comes to fiscal responsibility and protecting America’s sovereignty.”
  • “Senator Cruz is proud of his votes and will continue to stand up for America and the Constitution.”
Shortly after the explosion at a Texas fertilizer plant (4/18/13), Teddy decided it was time to exhibit his Flip-Flopping abilities. Towards that end, Teddy said:
That he was “working to ensure that all available resources are marshaled to deal with the horrific loss of life and severing we’ve seen” after an explosion at a fertilizer plaint in Texas leveled the plant and nearby houses and businesses, claiming the lives of at least a dozen people and injuring hundreds more.
Over 100 people lost their lives from Hurricane Sandy verses 12 in the fertilizer plant explosion. Teddy apparently believes that the lives and property of Texans is worth much more than that of those liberals in Connecticut, New Jersey and New York.
Congrats Teddy; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s Premier “Flip-Floppers”; you are far too humble.

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