► Judge Richard B. McQuade - Thief, Bigot, Pervert, Womanizer, Misogynist, Scofflaw Print E-mail
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Judge Richard B. McQuade - Thief, Bigot, Pervert, Womanizer, Misogynist, Scofflaw


Judge Richad B. McQuade is a certfied and die-in-the-wool serial thief, womanizer, bigot, drunk, adulterer, spousal abuser, misogynist; ethical gremlin and these are his just a few of his good points.


A review of hundreds if not thousands of pages of public records in Ohio, proves the following in regards to Judge Richard B. McQuade, a close friend, confidant and member of Chief Justice Thomas Moyer's hit-team of visiting retired judges.


The only real competition that Jude Richard McQuade has faced over the years as a disgusting thief came from fellow Judicial Misfits such as (1) Judge Stephen Yarbrough of Toledo, Ohio (2) Judge June Rose Galvin of Sandusky, Ohio, (3) Judge Richard B. Markus of Cleveland, Ohio, (4) Judge Tommy Thompson of Columbus, Ohio, (5) Judge Michael Kelbley of Tiffin, Ohio and (6) and finally but not least Judge Joseph Cirigliano of Elyria, Ohio (Cleveland area).


One would have to expend a great deal of time and effor to discover and then assemble a group of despicable judges who have dedicated their useless careers to the total avoidance of ethics. And in truth, they've done a helluva job over the years (ca. 1990-2010) in intentionally destroying the lives of an untold number of Ohioans by trampling on their constitutional rights to due process and to be judged by someone that isn't a certified ethical leper-con.

Judge Richard McQuade repeatedly defrauded Lucas County Toledo taxpayers by:
  • Billing $4 for parking while parking free at law firm parking lot
  • Illegally billed for hundreds of liquid lunches (booze)
Judge Richard McQuade Repeatedly defrauded the State billing for:
  • Judicial work never performed (at least $200,000)
  • Travel expenses never incurred
  • 8 hours work at home on Christmas and other holidays 
  • 8 hours work while attending seminars (15 times)
  • Two or more counties for 8 hours work on same day (21 times) 
  • Judicial work when he was in a foreign country
  • 8 hours work for spending 3 minutes on the phone
  • Judicial work while collect hourly fees of $300 or more as a private rent-a-judge
Miscellaneous Misconduct or Misdemeanors of Judge Richard McQuade
  • Referred to Asian-American (on the record) as a “Goddamn son-of-a-bitch”
  • Destroyed/or stole official court transcripts
  • Uttered various racial slurs against Asian-American
  • Filed false/fabricated police reports to get even with perceived enemy
  • Regularly engaged in illegal gambling on Airport Highway in Toledo
  • Accepted and/or demanded payoffs from attorneys for awarding illegal fees  
Sexually related misconduct committed by Judge Richard McQuade
  • Repeatedly cheated on his wife
  • Billed public officials to visit his compound in Canada wherein he provided women (some alleged to be underage) and booze for a set fee
  • Physically abused his wife in public
  • Forced to resign as a Federal District Judge due to charges of sexual harassment
  • Forced to resign as CEO of Blue Cross of Ohio due to charges of sexual harassment
  • Repeatedly made profane sexist comments in public about women at the Vic Tanny Health Spa on Airport Highway in Toledo, Ohio (comments are too filthy and degrading to mention herein)

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