► U.S. Judge Michael Schneider of Texasr; scofflaw; moron, arrogant Print E-mail

U.S. Judge Michael Schneider of Texas; scofflaw  moron, arrogant


Unfortunately, Judge Michael Schneider now sits as a Federal District Court Judge in the Eastern District of Texas located in Tyler after his nomination by President George Bush in 2004.
From 1990 to 1996, Judge Michael Schneider sat on the 1st District Court of Appeals in Houston. Sadly, the voters were duped into voting Judge Michael Schneider to the Texas Supreme Court in 1996.
Texas Ethics Laws limits the expenditure of campaigns funds to legitimate campaign activities and/or official officeholder duties. In other words, campaign funds cannot be used for purposes that are clearly personal in nature.
Judge Michael Schneider spends $29,141.68 for Personal Portrait
In 2006, Judge Michael Schneider had the audacity to spend $29,141.68 in campaign funds to defray the cost of a personal portrait.
I cannot imagine that such a use of $29,000 in campaign funds for a personal portrait can be construed as legal. It clearly had absolutely nothing to do with Judge Michael Schneider’s official judicial duties as a federal judge. Moreover, since Judge Michael Schneider unfortunately has a lifetime job on the federal bench (ca. 09/10/04) he could not legitimately incur any campaign expenses.
The expenditures for a self-portrait by Judge Michael Schneider are set forth below.
  • Judge Michael Schneider: Portrait's South, 20080606, 18645.27, Texas Supreme Court portrait
  • Judge Michael Schneider: Portraits South, 20060329, 10000.00, down payment for judicial portrait
  • Judge Michael Schneider: Portraits South, 20060628, 50.21, Reimbursement - Travel Expense
  • Judge Michael Schneider: American Airlines, 20060628, 349.60, Reimburse Portraits South - Travel Expense
  • Judge Michael Schneider: Comfort Suites, 20060628, 96.60, Reimburse Portraits South - Travel Expense
This conduct takes arrogance to new levels. I’m sure Judge Michael Schneider never advised and/or queried any of his contributors about spending their money in this fashion, right? Why would he have to since he’s the omnipotent one, right?
Gift expense by Judge Michael Schneider
Texas Ethics laws allow for the expenditure of campaign funds to purchase a reasonably priced gift.
On September 20, 2009, which was 10 days after he was sworn in as a federal judge, Judge Michael Schneider spent $617.03 on a gift (singular) as set forth below.
  • Judge Michael Schneider: Gem Jewelry Company, 20040920, 617.03, Gift Expense
Judge Michael Schneider proves he’s a certified cheapskate
In February 2004, Judge Michael Schneider billed his campaign for $0.27 for residential phone service as set forth below.
  • Judge Michael Schneider: MCI Residential Services, 20021104, $0.27, Telephone Expense
Now ya gotta be one big time cheapskate to demand reimbursement of $0.27, right? This is especially true when this ingrate found it acceptable to spend nearly $30,000 on a self-portrait to satisfy his overblown ego. What a loser! 


Expenditure to attend Justice O’Connor Investiture
In December 2002, Judge Michael Schneider billed his campaign for airfare to attend the investiture for Justice and Mr. O’Connor as set forth below.
American Airlines, 20021231, 1055.40, Travel for Justice and Mr. O'Connor – Investiture
Again, this expenditure of campaign funds was not related to any official judicial duty nor any legitimate campaign activity by Judge Michael Schneider.



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